Barry’s is the original high-intensity work out. It burns up to 1,000 calories in one class (!!!), tones muscle, maximizes fat loss, and increase your metabolism, so you actually burn calories even after class is over.
We’ve got the science to prove it. (And the abs…)
The instructors push you to do what you didn’t even know you were capable of doing. The music, the signature red lights, the energy in the room…..
It’s magic (and about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on).
Each class is different. You will never have the same routine — and never get bored.
Barry’s Original class is a mix of running and weights. Every class has five Double Floor spots available – a no treadmill option for the days that you can’t run… or just don’t want to.
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Monday: 5AM - 7:45PM
Tuesday: 5AM - 7:45PM
Wednesday: 5AM - 7:45PM
Thursday: 5AM - 7:45PM
Friday: 5AM - 6:45PM
Saturday: 8AM - 2PM
Sunday: 8AM - 2PM